My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Arrived in Oregon and ready!


Arrived safely near Beaver Creek, Oregon. Love this place. Love this family! My view from my room. and the Pepper puppy pony.

We had a great homemade pesto and salad dinner last night. Thank you Melissa! And Bill served us a beautiful wine. Stunningly beautiful....

And Tucker Dog! He slept on my bed all night until I woke up and he felt it was ok to go upstairs. Such a guardian.

We're expecting a big storm. Lots of rain. Will mess up all kinds of fishing but...there is plenty to do. Right now I am off to take a walk with Sue and her friends, camera in tow. There's been a lot of wildlife activity. Maybe I can capture some. But I am out of photography practice! This will be good.

If in Oregon, on the coast and it's not raining, it's time to get your rear outside and enjoy! Then plan for certain pastures to flood and prepare accordingly.

After walk, nearby fish habitat exploration.

Let's do this!


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