My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Riding to Escape MS

Many escapes are sought while suffering from multiple sclerosis. In the cooler temperatures and feeling MS good it is the horses and trails where I head first. For this ride I chose a new mount, Wild Flower (WF). WF is a PMU rescue. Pregnant mare urine (PMU) is used by women during menopause. Learn more about PMU rescue foals and horses

The horses are owned by Kathy, my partner in crime for 48 states, 2 horses, 2 girls....ill be Building awareness for multiple sclerosis. Kathy is discovering life after divorce.

Wild Flower and GirlwithMS on the Flint Trail in La Canada, California.

With enough good days and thoughtful training, we check yet another item off our to-do list: Riding a horse in our local Memorial Parade. Temperatures were in our favour at 82F and the stunning sun softened just in time. This beautiful girl is Dreamy, a grulla colored mare also owned by Kathy and the second horse joining us on

Riding is often easier then walking with MS. Especially after spending a lifetime with horses. Fortunate to have this escape.

But coming into summer temperatures nearing 100F means riding early, late, shade-trekking, cooling vests and plenty of hydration for everyone.
I've had great success with Phion for hydration. It also has iron. Click here for more on Phion Alkalyzing Minerals.

And then, when it is just too warm to do anything inspiration to write and tweet overtakes this GirlwithMS...



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