My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Life Coach for Those Affected by Multiple Sclerosis

I've been through a lot with my MS from losing my ability to walk and see to losing my career to rebuilding my life for utter enjoyment. It's time you do the same and I'm here to help!

As a sounding board I am here to guide you through options and ideas to reach your final goals. Here are some of the areas we cover:

  • Adjustment to the illness, including the long-term impact of living with MS
  • Health and wellness issues
  • Stress management
  • Work/life balance
  • Family relationships
  • Medication adherence issues
  • Self advocacy
  • Resource identification
  • Behavioral approaches to pain management
  • Planning for the future
Anyone wanting to learn new techniques about coping with MS can benefit from Life Coaching. This service typically involves weekly toll-free telephone or video sessions and a variety of "homework" type assignments to reflect upon between coaching sessions. In addition, group sessions, presentation and key note speakers are available.

If you are interested in this program, please contact Life Coach Caroline Craven at (818) 585-5660, or email


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