My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Importance of family and friend support

It can not be said enough, this importance of family and friends during an illness such as multiple sclerosis. Let's just begin with diet and nutrition. I live in a house that insists on a dinner of starch, meat and veggies. I know, old school. But adhere I must and its frustrating.

Yet here I am at a friends house and we have a beautiful dinner of freshly sprouted mung beans, quinoa, steamed kale and tomatoes. So delicious and just what this MS body needed to keep me in the green zone!

What's the Green zone? That's when your body feels MS neutral. Not stressed. Not over heated. Not chilled. The muscles and nerves feel good. And cooling foods such as mung beans and more was just the answer after a three hour walk on the beautiful beach of Kailua Bay.

I couldn't take these walks without knowing that a healthy meal as medicine was awaiting me!

Mahalo my friends! You mean the world to me!


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