My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Empowerment To Heal - Living better with MS

Woke up feeling a bit blue and legs on fire. This was a good read to get me feeling good again. This post is from Oahu, Hawaii near Kailua. Love this place!  What a morning. Woke up. That was good. Had no desire to do anything. I was angry, pissy and antsy. And it was beautiful outside. My last day at the beach and my legs felt like concrete. After some water and self encouragement my clothes adorned, I grabbed my bag to go explore the town. Or at least to stretch the legs.
Sun was shining bright. A bit too bright. hat on. Body covered in light clothes. I wasn't sure if walking to town was meant to be. The ocean washed among my toes as the sand passed by. But the sun had a chance to stop me.
I wouldn't let it! Meditation, prayer, mental concentration took over. Focus on warmth was waning and walking became pleasant. A couple miles down the beach I veered into town and hit the road. Trees and shade from the clouds a pleasant reward. Wandering can be such a freedom. How often are we stuck in neutral with MS. But not today. I empowered myself to mentally move beyond my illness.
I kept walking. Strolling more like it. Taking every sight in. Every sound. Soon, I was at town center. An hour or two later and I've explored local scene and ready to hit the road home. Knowing that I could catch a bus was a good back up plan. But I strolled back the long way and strolled down the beach one last time before my flight. What a feeling! A morning of concrete boots ended with a beautiful six mile adventure. The feeling of empowerment was and is amazing. We are capable of so much more than we realize. There is a fine line between empowering to do good for your body and over doing it. Today I found the balance and it felt amazing! The meditation while I walked created the attitude adjustment I needed. I pushed myself but just to the level of comfort.
Upon returning home I took necessary precautions and drank a double serving of "Calm", a magnesium supplement, took a rest and drank plenty of water. Boy did it work! All of my negative energy that I awoke with was gone. A clean, clear presence swept through my body. Peace again for this GirlwithMS, peace again.

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