My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS very, very quiet....

Many folks don't realize how sensitive one's hearing can become with MS. Here's a good article comparing the nerve damage in MS to that of listening to very loud music.

Sensitivity to sound is very annoying from an MS patient standpoint. There's only so much control one has over the loudness of others...

Check this out and learn more!


1 comment:

  1. I started using multiple sclerosis (MS) herbal remedy i purchased from Mayaka Herbal Clinic January this year. I only used it for a month and two weeks, my condition changed automatically, all my symptoms are gone. Remaining positive have helped me during this treatment. Now am living MS FREE. Hope this will help somebody, remember, do your own research and make your own decisions based on information you have received and digested. Thanks to Mayaka Natural Clinic for their amazing work. Forever Grateful! Contact them via w ww .mayakanaturalclinic. com
