My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Tomatoes healing for MS

A little nesting good for the soul. Friend of mine leaves on vacation after planting amazing garden. Not only are tomotoes a cooling food in Chinese medecine, which means a good food for MSrs, but the cathartic process of harvesting, preparing, tasting and exploring this food is by far a healthy treat!

Just some of the rewards:

In addition to fresh salads everyday we've been roasting the extras. Some I have frozen in bags for later use. I've also slow cooked/dried some. Want to do more of everything. Yum!
Home made roasted tomato sauce for the gardener when she returns:
And then there was big Bertha at 1.5 pounds....

Big Bertha ended up to be quite the tart

Time to harvest more tomatoes. What to create next?!

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