My relapse nemesis is mismanagement of life. Imagine a diabetic who doesn't take his insulin when needed. Or doesn't eat properly. Or an alcoholic who doesn't work their own program. That is what living with MS is like. And I'm not as strong as I would like to be and I often overdo.
Because MS effects the nerves, many of life's daily activities can be more difficult during a relapse. Just some of the areas hit by MS:
- Balance / Coordination
- Weakness
- Vision
- Numbness / Tingling
- Thought problems / Cognitive Thinking
- Dizziness
- Pain
But I don't agree with their slide on preventing relapses. They prioritize western medicine over lifestyle change, nutrition, etc. This girl with MS prefers to reverse this thinking. Place lifestyle first. Make all the natural changes we can toward a healthier lifestyle. Look at Chinese, Ayuervedic and other alternatives. Then go to Western medicine. Use a mix of medical styles to find a balance that works for you.
The goal is to find a lifestyle program that actually works on reducing flare-ups not just covering up the symptoms!
Part of my program includes:
- Reduce stress/work
- Accept consequences of reducing work
- Write, read, explore the mind
- Learn to chill
- Breathing meditations
- Yoga
- Faith
- Family
- Friends
- Nutrition
- Physical outlets. Horses for me
- Mental outlets. Computers and writing and design
- and many more...
I try to keep a routine, particularly with getting to bed and waking up (I say try because I've got out of it the last few days and am noting the difference) take time to read my Bible and pray, I walk ( I love walking) do Pilates and use my rebounder trampoline. I also like reading, writing, poetry, processing.