My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

First things first...

First things first, morning prayer: For The Common Task P. 27 pocket prayer book "Dear Christ, help me to make the common things of life and make them beautiful. Help me to do this today." Prayer book given to Connie Craven, my grandmother, on May 9, 1965, Mothers Day, by Community Christian Church in Burbank. Connie was a lovely lady but didn't have an easy life. She made her life beautiful in part with this prayer book. I can see how it effected her to become the angel she was when she returned to heaven. Now I need to learn this way of life. Through Christ and my faith. MS Research: Recovery is slow. Two days. Coconut water good but high in sodium. Lots of water retention after long hot rides. Body's natural defense against inflammation external and internal. Warm plus sunny. Today's ride planned for 70's and shade. Should be nice. Had good solid sleep after a day of wine tasting with girls. Came home and drank water. Took 1/2 klonopin and 1 Advil pm. Seems a good mixture but worried about liver and kidney health. Let's explore that more. Off to get ShenTrition drink and ready for the day...

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