My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Homeopathic leg cramp medicine not working!

6/20/12 8:34pm Stopping the Hyland's leg cramp medicine. Horrible reactions. Quinine scares me! Ate some great mahi mahi, sorrel, quinoa dinner. 8:13am Not sure about the Hylands leg cramps remedy. Woke with terrible cramps.not sure what from. Went on walk yesterday and thought was hydrating through the day. But obviously not enough. Today I've had a banana, 2 magnevelures, 2 coconut waters plus four glasses of water so far. Took a warm bath and massaged muscles. Soft tissues tight. Could be from wine last night. 6/19/12 Trying a new leg cramp homeopathic remedy. We will see. Have been dry brushing at night. Bathing and soaking with mineral salts Stretching, yoga Had a pretty rough night. Took a Benadryl for some poison oak and it kept me up all morning. Too much mixing. All I can handle is 1/2 a klonopin and 1 Tylenol pm.

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