My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Waterman open for business - Snow good for MS

Our local ski area for over the past seventy years, Mt. Waterman celebrated its opening day of ski season on Friday.  Locals haven’t been haven’t able to ski consistently since 1939 mainly because Mt Waterman provides snow the old fashion way, from the heavens above.
For the first time in years there was snow but no way to get to the slopes because of road closures.  But it opened this past weekend. For two reasons I wanted to go to Mt. Waterman: Photograph the locals enjoying some Southern California spring skiing.  And most importantly, have a picnic with a friend in the snow under blue skies and sunshine. 
Sunday came.  Picnic, map, cameras in tow, my friend and I set off.  Forgetting that Hwy 2 was closed we headed straight up Angeles Crest out of habit.  Detour one, head down to the 210 and head west to Sunland Blvd.  Mt. Waterman was smart to leave instructions on their answering machine.  Write them down because you may not have cell coverage up the mountain. 
The detour is not difficult, just pay attention and soon enough you will find yourself on Big Tujunga Canyon Road.  It was well worth the extra thirty minutes of our lives to see what these mountains had to offer.   We lost time as the drive mesmerized us through the devastation of the Station Fire and the renewal from the recent rains.   We stopped on several occasions to take vistas and see the Angeles National Forest from a different perspective. 
I grew up skiing Mt. Waterman and what was then Kratka Ridge, now Snowcrest, now closed.  I worked restaurant and rentals at Kratka Ridge during parts of high school and university.  My brother worked Mt. Waterman on several occasions.  My sister skied them both.  Good stories at family time.   
Excited to see snow, people having fun, and families being active, I was looking forward to food at the top of the chair lift.  That is one cool thing about Mt. Waterman.  For $10 each we got sight-seeing tickets to take the two-man chair lift up the mountain.  We got our hands toasty in the Warming Hut.  Grabbed some food.  Grabbed a picnic table.  Took our jackets off, enjoyed the sunshine and watched smiles come tumbling in of all ages and ilk as the boarders and skiers took breaks between runs. 
We didn’t take our skiis or boards this time.  But from experience and the smiles on folks’ faces we recommend grabbing your skiis and/or board because Mt. Waterman is open this Saturday and Sunday.  Even in this 80 degree heat, the north facing slopes of Mt. Waterman and the solid base of snow should provide for fun timed of Southern California spring skiing.  You can’t get more local than Mt. Waterman - Praying for snow since 1939.
Snow phone:  818.790.2002
photos at: (scroll down for mt. waterman gallery)