My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the Fittest

Team Athleta • Aug 28th, 2008 • Category: Adventure Travel, Customer Spotlight By Caroline “Noni” Craven, Adventure Traveler and Photographer
Adventure is my game. I’m not an extremist, but have been known to play: white water kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing, anything and everything in the snow. Name it, I tried it. A previous life was filled with river guiding and horse training. Play hard, work hard. Until it caught up with me.
Seven years ago I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), an oft-debilitating disease that encroaches on the nervous system. MS affects the same part of your brain as alcohol, creating ...Survival of the Fittest

Often it's best to forget the MS

Expressing myself through writing comes and goes, not different then the rivers of wild.  Seasons effect.  Life evolves. 

I am not as consistent as I would like.  I am frigid and scared to express true words. 

More on me later. Time to do what I did earlier:  AIM yoga, meditation, Shentrition, exercise, friends and family.  Everything important to me and not in that order. 

Live strong as Lance would say.

Live Now as I would say!  

a friend with MS