My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Colors of life

Taken by the Green River in Ecuador on travels from Banos to Amazon.  The sun was out.  A brief rain had fallen.  Butterflies were out dancing - not to be forgotten!

Periander Metalmark [Rhetus periander]

Times like this where I am thankful that I can focus on a butterfly and ignore the debilitating disease is multiple sclerosis.  Wildlife works for me. Nature.  Photography.  Especially because there is image stabilization.  Necessary with my shaky hands.  

But now, the fingers begin to fail. No more typing. No more doing much of anything.  Time to rest and take a read or something.  Probably all the chocolate I've been consuming lately.  Nah.  It's never the chocolate!  

Forward ho...ho...ho...

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