My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

7:52PM Bedtime?

So the toddlers are gone.  The house is instantly quiet at 7:52PM.  Should I cede to bed as well?  go out to celebrations around town regarding school board elections?  stay home and get caught up on friends and family?  Yeah. The last one. Friends and family.  Always a priority.  With Multiple Sclerosis one must define priorities.  Bummer at times but helps in the long time. 

January will mark the year 2010.  I remember Y2K at Mt. Bachelor.  Dogs.  Snowboards.  Skis.  Sofa surfers.  It was all good.  Now.  Ten years later and it's all good.  Just different.  The sofa surfers are 4 year old toddlers and the skis haven't seen this side of snow since Sundance a few years back. 

I am content catching up on personal items.  A much needed project after this month of illness, children and life.  None of which I would trade in for anything on this planet.

So tired.  Eyes heavy.  More later.  Sleep well.  Take care, be safe, eat healthy.

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