My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Talk about an accident waiting to happen...

I had a great night sleep.  Worked on some fun projects last night - a photo collage for the kids at the barn.  I woke up feeling great.  Been taking some medicine for my throat and feeling much better.  In fact, better take some right now, with a big glass of water.  Just a sec...

Ah, much better.  OK, weird day. I don't know what it was/is.  Horses were feeling brisk, definitely fall is in the air.  One of mine was about to explode so I turned him out.  Turned several of them out.  An early fall.  Possibly an El Nino.  Let's not due to the mudslide factor, not that we have any say in the matter. 

But back to the riding.  I was so psyched to get started today.  I was wanting that motion.  But then I just felt off beat.  Out of rhythm with myself.  If I rode I was coming off for some silly reason or another.  I don't often have bad days but I even lost my cool with one of the horses.  Time to get off, turn out the horses and enjoy friends for lunch under the oaks. 

Now is this an MS thing?  or just one of those days.  It honestly feels like "just one of those days".  I have been eating healthy.  I think the medicine is working well as my body is completely different than yesterday.  I'll find out more at the doctor on Thursday but I think the throat was related to the cold sores I get some times.  I read that the herpes simplex can go into the mouth and throat.  And my upset stomach is gone. I may not have mentioned that before but it felt weird.  I should know:  take the acycliver.  Its interesting how the herpes and MS go hand in hand.  Flare ups that is.  Warnings better yet.  If I get the slightest tingle of a cold sore I know I need to change my routine or my MS will flare up.  Interesting...

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