My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Sunday with Multiple Sclerosis

This weekend rocks.

I prefer not to have too many expectations. I can't. Or better said, I am learning not to have expectations. Mostly due to my multiple sclerosis. Life has become a continuum of randomness.

For example, on Friday evening, during a lovely and entertaining dinner party, my body started cramping and seizing. I had to stand up. The tension of sitting on the dining room chair was intolerable. I really just needed to go home but couldn't. I wanted to go to the car and sleep. I crashed hard. One of those days that would have been better to stay away from the wine and enjoyed a nice Orangina. But darn it all if it wasn't a beautiful dinner of fresh caught Alaskan halibut, this mushroom sauce that was some form of white velvet and carrots with ginger that tingled the palette. Other food as well but how could that not be served with a pinot noir cooled by the Oregon coast?

Saturday rocked a different world. I went to the barn but wasn't sure if I had anyone to ride. I lucked out. My little guy was free. We played for over two hours. A quick trail ride, trotting and walking in the field, arena work and some fun jumping. I do miss the jumping. I miss training the jumpers and having students. Not many, just one would be fun. I could really help out the program. Some see it and some don't. It's very interesting. But the main point is that I get to ride and the motion from riding is invaluable to my health.

And I pushed it hard yesterday: riding over two hours in near 100 degree heat. And it felt so good. The heat rising through my body, the menthol creme on my legs later, the eighteen gallons of water I consumed... I need to get some electrolytes. That would be good for me. Oh but wow. What a day of riding. I felt like I rode four different horses. Then came home and did some water therapy. Yoga was involved earlier in the day. The Oregon Ducks won and they were on television.

And if that were not enough to make my smile last, I had a giant German feast at a friends house. Grilled sausages of all sorts, spaetzle, salad, green beans, chocolate mousse, red wine. New friends, great food, lots of chatter. Beautiful sleep at friend's house with giant screen door and lots of fresh air all night long. Early morning return to home, time to catch up on some writing and to analyze the body.

My body is a bit beaten up today. The hard ride yesterday and the good fun last night have caught up with me. Time for a salt bath and some menthol creme for the legs. Shentrition for my body. Yoga for my soul. And then going to church with the family. Family time is always good.

Maybe some detox tea is in order, when I get home. Am feeling a bit toxic. I wouldn't light a match near me right now. We did have a bit of fun last night.

OK, off to get healthy and deal with my MS for the day.

Take care and be aware!

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