My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Stop on Spot and slow down

Originally uploaded by nonisense
Sometimes you just have to come to a stop and slow down (meet Spot - 4 yr old gelding). Right now I'm riding just enough to get the motion and movement but not enough to overheat and overdo.

It's a daily balance of integral therapy as I'm learning. A whole new study to take interest in. The balance of physical, spiritual, mental and emotional. Makes sense. The cornerstones of our lives.

I was reading earlier - but my vision got a bit blurry. My vision is one of the first to go. And the hands when I'm typing or writing. The fingers will just collapse a bit. Done. Like right now. I've been trying to hook up the blog to flickr, etc., and there was some discussion with the software. But now, time for catching up on news and whats going on out there.

My sister was here for a bit today which is always a treat. Family and friends - my greatest assets. My dog of course. But when you are illin' there is nothing better than family and friends.

Fingers failing. Off to water the plants, if it's our day of the week (three year drought).

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