My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

An evening with MS

Actually this has nothing really to do with MS.  Except for the fact that I'm losing use of my fingers, thus time to go to bed.  But, made a healthy dinner of wild caught Alaskan cod, corn, cabbage, heirloom tomato and basil salad, asparagus, avocado and...  Well.  Maybe that was it.  Because it was a heck of a lot of food. 

The redtails fly over the scorched hillside across from our deck.  The contrast of colors of bird against landscape is quite remarkable when once they would fly quite camouflaged.  I grabbed my camera but didn't get a shot. 

OK, finkers, fingers, are shot.  Time for bed.  Hot noddy in hand.  Heading westside.  See you tomorrow.  Open the windows.  Listen to the hoot owls.  Sleep deep. 

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