My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Time to Evacuate 9/3/09 2:21 PM

Wild week. Station fire. Evacuation. 25 feet away.
Interesting to see what I packed, why I chose what I did and the emotional process of possibly losing my home.

Top 15 items of choice (in no particular order):

  • hard drives
  • photo albums
  • computer
  • camera equip.
  • first edition, signed books, grandmother's bible and more
  • stuffed animals (yes, me, including an irreplaceable womble that my mother made me 30 plus years ago)
  • hats
  • scarves
  • few clothes
  • sleeping bags
  • pottery made by ancestors over 100 years ago
  • the dog
  • medicine
  • passport and important papers
  • jewelry

The reverse 911 call came at 2:30AM on Saturday morning. We knew the call would come. Bless the fact that there were no winds. We started packing. Mand-a-tory evac-u-ation was called for at 4:30A. The sheriffs did their job politely - walking door to door. Mandatory evacuation but we can not force you to leave. Since the knock the phone would call us with an automated reminder that a Mand-a-tory evac-u-ation with the nasally emphasis on the second syllibles.

The multiple sclerosis has been quite tolerable considering the tasks of packing of a car in an emotional whirlwind while inhaling buckets of ash. The 100+ degree days of the week and zero humidity not helping. But my body held on. Even allowing me to help out with the horses a little bit during their evacuation. The staff is really good about not letting me do to much because I have that tendency, to go overboard. but then again, that's part of why I have MS in the first place. I must continually slow myself down and ask myself what does my body need? Sleep? Better food? More activity? Friend time?

I could feel the MS pretty bad last night. When I lose feeling in my arm and have pain in my body I know its a sign. And thus presenting the never ending MS question: How can I manage my MS to prevent these chaotic symptoms? I have had not luck with western medicine regarding my symptoms. So I am all about nutrition, herbs, yoga, riding, wine and whiskey. Oh, well, those are part of the mental well-being but probably could be looked at again.

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