My Story - Caroline Craven, theGirlwithMS

Morning MS - Time for some Yoga!

Another morning and it's beautiful.  Yesterday I did some stretching and meditating before riding and am off to do a bit today.  It's so necessary for my MS.  The yoga work is crucial.  I've taken about a month off and that's too long for me.  But now it's back in habit and that's good.  It helps mostly with my nerves, patience, anxiety and overall strength.  There are a couple of deep working moves like "Bear hug" for the shoulders and "pigeon" for the hips. Both areas where I hold much tension.  Heck, I hold tension everywhere. 

I started yoga in Oregon some 15 years ago.  You couldn't really tell by watching me as I'm not very advanced but it is the medicine I need for my MS.  During my last visit with my neurologist we noticed that my balance was a bit off.  Now it had been 100 degrees all week and I had been riding in the mornings so really doing much more than I've done in the past, but by noon I was so weak and tired.  In order to ride earlier I had given up my morning stretching routine.  Bad decision but one I made.

Yoga has been one of my saving graces with my multiple sclerosis.  I know just enough that I can work a few routines.  I found much needed guidance with the folks from Shen-Life when they ran their "Wholisti Center" studio in Montrose.  From ShenTrition, to detoxing teas to yoga routines to meditation.  These Chinese medicine based doctors have provided as much help for my MS as my other doctors.

Shoot.  Gardeners are here.  Back later...

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